Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What's there to love about a dog?

In the spirit of trying to look for what's good about having a dog (and, more specifically, a puppy), I thought I would try to list the good things about Scooby:
  1. She's thrilled to see me every time I walk in the room.
  2. She likes my company so much that she'll sleep under my chair when I sit at the table in the kitchen (as long as Dan isn't in the room).

The hard thing for me is that there are just so many more things that I like about my cats:

  1. They are also glad to see me when I walk in the room.
  2. They like to sleep in my lap and snuggle.
  3. They purr, so I get automatic feedback as to what pleases them. With Scooby, who knows what petting makes her happy because her reaction is the same no matter what: she chews on me.
  4. They're clean and don't smell. All this time I thought dogs that smelled just hadn't been bathed enough. Now I've learned that it isn't that--Scooby smells even immediately after her bath.
  5. They came house broken.
  6. They don't chew on me.
  7. They don't try to eat the food out of my plate (at least not while I'm looking).
  8. Cleaning up cat poop (from a litter box) is MUCH easier than cleaning up dog poop.

I can see I've got to work harder at finding the good things about Scooby. Although some of this is meant to be light-hearted, in some ways I'm also quite serious. I know there are millions of dog lovers out there and I just don't get it--yet.


  1. Dogs are all male children and cats are all female. Does that say it all?

  2. You make me laugh. I was neither a dog nor a cat person growing up. We had a dog, but it was really Dad and Julie's pet. I didn't dislike her, but just wasn't interested in her. Then when I was having such trouble getting pregnant, we got a dachshund for my step children. Finally, I got it. I loved that dog so much. Now he didn't smell, but he definitely peed and pooped in the house. I still loved him. I think it was because I didn't have any kids and he was so totally dependent on me. But.... once my boys were born, I hardly noticed the dog. I still care about him, but don't pay him much attention. Maybe when Danny gets older and can take some more responsibility with him it will get better. Maybe you should ask your vet about a new shampoo if he really does smell right after a bath. Is he long-haired?
    Chin up - it's worth it for Danny.
    Love, Jan

  3. Dogs smell. They just do. Their body smells, their breath smells. Sometimes you have to turn your head in order to stand petting them. But they just want to be with their people. Dogs come to give love. Cats...not so much. They come only when they want something.

    Dogs are smart too - ours knows which buses the kids ride. She won't move off her bed as the first bus comes up the road. She hears the second one coming and she's at the door. God forbid the kid that's supposed to be on that bus stayed after school. Whine, whine, whine until everyone is back where they are supposed to be.
